Story 2 of Elementals: Earth by Rowan's GirlRated PG No, i don't own Sailor Moon. Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is copyrighted to Ms Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Nakayosi, DiC, etc. This story is soley for fans and entertainment ***************************************************************** She walked down the unfamiliar halls. Faces of strangers were down every corridor. Men and women mingled; the cheery sound of laughter echoed down the hall. Faint sounds of the orchestra playing on the other side of the building could be heard. Was she ever goint to make some new friends? She was so lost in her misery that she didn't see the guy coming down the adjacent hall. All of a sudden, books were flying and she found herself laying on the floor with the guy sprawled next to her. He got up and held out his hand to help her up. "Something about his face looks so familiar, but I know I've never seen him before in my life," she thought. He helped her gather her books. "Sorry," she said. "I wasn't watching where I was going." "No, it's my fault," he stated and then paused. "Are you new to this college?" She nodded yes to his question and he continued. "Welcome. My name's Darien." "I'm Gea." She looked at Darien again. "He really looks familiar. This feels like de 'ja vu," she thought. "Would you like a tour of Tokyo? I could take you, if you want." "Oh, that's so sweet of you. I don't have any friends, yet. I just moved here yesterday. Sure. If it's no trouble for you, that is." "It's no trouble at all. I'll meet you after class. See you around." She was about to respond, but he was gone. ****************************************************************** "Ready?" "Yep." He told her to get on his motorcycle. He gave her a helmet and they were off with a cloud of smoke erupting from the tail pipe. Darien showed Gea the arcade, library, park, jr. high and high school, elementary school, day care center, hospital, the best place to get milkshakes, some girl named Raye's temple on Sendai Hill, and finally, his apartment. It was early afternoon when they had left the college and by the time they got to his apartment, the sun was setting. "Do you want to come in?" Darien asked. "Sure, why not?" she responded. They went up to his apartment. He unlocked the door and flicked on the light. "Surprise! Happy birthday, Darien!" A beautiful girl with long, blonde hair pulled up into twin meatballs looked lovingly at Darien, that is until she saw Gea poke her head out from behind him. "Darien, who is this? How could you?" She pushed her way out the door and fled, softly crying. "Serena, wait! It's not what you think!" But his cries were in vain because she was long gone. Now 5 other girls stepped into view. "Nice going, Darien!" "Yeah! How could you do this?" and other similar remarks were being thrown at him like knives while they shoved their way out the door and left. "But........ wait! Stop!" But again, his pleading went unheard because, they too, were gone. Darien sighed. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause so much trouble. I'll leave." Gea was genuinely sorry, and it showed. Darien sighed again. "No, it's okay. Please, don't go. That was my girlfriend and some of our friends. She get's like that sometimes. I'll talk to her later. Don't worry about it, we'll work it out." "Oh. I'm sorry I ruined your birthday." "No, it's okay. Honest." Darien switched topics. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" "Sure." Darien put 2 cups of water in the microwave and started it. "Have a seat," he said while he motioned to the couch. She came in, because she was still standing in the doorway, shut the door, and sat down. He took out the cups and mixed the instant coffee in. He handed her a cup and took a seat next to her. "Thank you," she said as she took a sip. They started talking about the classes they each took at the college. "I'm studying to be a geologist," Gea stated. Then they started talking about themselves. Gea larned about Darien's girlfriend, who's name, she found out, was Serena. She also found out who the 5 other girls who were here earlier were. "So how do you like your first couple of days in Tokyo?" asked Darien. "Okay, I guess." Then she paused for a minute, remembering something, and continued. "But I had this super wierd dream last night. It was some foreign place, and there was a beautiful queen standing next to her husband. Then there was a group of 5 people, of which I was one, surrounding them. Circling us were about 10 more people. I couldn't see anyone's face, though." While she was speaking, a wierd look crossed Darien's face and he was deep in thought. It disapeared quickly, though, when she asked him, "What do you make of it?" "I'm not sure," he slowly responded. Then he was lost in thought again. After several minutes of silence and Gea had finished her cup of coffee, she cleared her throat and said, "It's getting late. I better go." Startled, Darien looked up. "Would you like me to give you a ride?" "No, that's okay. My apartment's not far. I'll see you tomorrow." "Oh. Okay. See you tomorrow. Bye," he said as she was going through the door. "Bye," she tossed over her shoulder, and then she was out of sight. ****************************************************************** "I'm late again!" Serena huffed as she ran towards the jr. high. "What else is new?" asked Luna, running besides Serena. "Well, you could've woken me up, you know." "Why do you think I jump on you and scratch you every day?" Serena was about to respond, but she tripped and fell into Darien. "Oh, hi, Darien," Serena said coldly, and turned to leave. Darien grabbed her arm and she turned to face him. "Serena, wait. Let me explain." He gave her a smile and she melted. "I only-" he started, but was interrupted when Gea came up behind him. Serena wrenched her arm away and snapped, "Save it, Darien!" Then she turned and continued running towards her school. ********************************************************************* Darien sighed as he watched her go, blonde meatballs bouncing as she ran. "I'm sorry, Darien. I did it again," Gea said. "No, it's okay. I'm going to see her tonight. I'll just explain then." "Well, if you're sure it's okay." "Trust me. We do have our fights, but we always make up." "Okay. Come on, it's time for our first class." ********************************************************************* "Where's Serena?" Luna asked. "Late, as usual," Raye replied. "I'm here!" Serena called as she rushed in, out of breath. "Yeah, only 10 minutes late," Raye replied sarcastically. "Raye, you're always mean to me!" Serena cried. "Uh, Serena?" She turned to see Darien looking at her. "Could you come with me for a minute?" "Sure," Serena said casually. They went outside into the pleasantly cool night and sat on the porch. "Now before you say anything," Darien said, " let me explain." Serena just gazed at him expectantly. Darien cleared his throat. "Well, it goes like this: the girl I was with, Gea, well, she's new to my college," he said. "And to Tokyo," he quickly added as he felt her gaze turn slightly cold. "Anyway, I accidentally ran into her in the hall, and since she was new, I decided to give her a tour of the city. And then I brought her to my apartment, just to talk and have a cup of coffee. That's all that happened, nothing more. I swear." Serena looked questioningly into his eyes and decided to forgive him. "I'm sorry I stormed off and ruined your birthday." "It's okay," Darien replied. Then they kissed a deep, long kiss, until they were interupted by giggling coming from behind the door. "I'm going to kill you guys," Serena said, barging through the door. "How dare you eavesdrop on our private conversation?!" "Can you blame us?" Eve said between giggles from where she was sprawled on the floor. "Well, I guess I can't. I'd be curious, too," Serena said, her temper cooling. Darien came in behind her with a very happy look on his face. "Can we get onto Scout business, now?" Luna asked. "I second that," Artemis agreed. "What do you think of our new enemy? She hasn't shown up lately," Amy said. Eve's expression turned as cold as stone. "I'm not sure, but one thing I know for sure is that she's going to pay." Everybody respected Eve while she got her emotions under control. "I don't get it. Usually Negascum are out there zapping all the energy they can get while trying to get the Imperium Silver Crystal, but I haven't seen that lady-," Serena paused for a second, glancing at Eve, "-since the event happened." "I'm not sure. Maybe she's sending for reinforcements," Lita suggested. "I hope not. Sometimes it's all we can do to beat one Negasleeze," Mina replied. They were spread around Raye's room. Raye was lounging on her bed, Eve and Lita were leaning against Raye's bed, Mina and Amy were on the bean bag, Luna and Artemis were sitting on the only table in the room, and Serena and Darien were sitting on the floor next to the door, arms around each other. "Well, I have a feeling something's going to happen, and soon," Raye said. ******************************************************************** There was a slight breeze as they walked down Sendai Hill. Serena shivered and Darien pulled her in closer to him. There was a full moon up in frount of them. No cloud graced the sky. The moon's eerie light spread over the nearby houses. In some, lights were on, but in others, there was a dark, deserted look. Music and laughter wafted from some house where a party was being given. All of a sudden, they heard Darien's name being called. They turned to discover Gea rushing to intercept them. Darien whispered, "Please don't go," to Serena just before Gea reached them. "Hi, Gea. Serena, this is Gea. Gea, this is my girlfriend, Serena." The girls exchanged greetings. Neither Darien nor Gea noticed the tinge of coldness on Serena's face. "So, you guys made up?" Gea asked. When Darien nodded happily, she continued. "I'm sorry I made you mad, Serena." Serena's expression turned totally sincere. "That's okay. I shouldn't have overreacted like I did." They chatted as they walked to Gea's apartment. Gea went up to her room and Serena and Darien found themselves alone again. Serena said, more to herself than to Darien, "I'm getting a wierd feeling about her." "What do you mean?" Darien asked. "Huh?" Serena looked up at Darien. "Oh, never mind." Darien let the subject drop but he was curious about what Serena had on her mind. Was Gea as familiar to her as she was to him? ******************************************************************** Gea was walking to her apartment after the last class for that day. She was happy that Serena and Darien were back together. Even though the age difference, she knew they belonged together. All of a sudden, a loud, female's voice was talking to her........ from up in the air. Gea looked up to see a pretty, orange haired lady, with a wierd uniform on, floating up in the air. "I am Sun, the newest leader of the Negaverse. You will submit to me your energy," said the lady. A strange light enveloped Gea and she felt her energy being drained from her. Gea gave a scream and a brown star appeared on her forehead. A beam shot from it into the sky. "What's this?" Sun asked herself. She ignored it, though, because she was busy collecting energy. ******************************************************************** Serena looked up into the sky. "What is that strange, brown light?" she thought. She pulled out her communicator. In a few minutes, she was Sailor Moon, running with her friends to investigate. ********************************************************************* When they got there, they saw Gea collapsed on the ground with a beam of brown light emitting from her. They also saw the Negaversian lady up in the air. Eve was just about to charge her, but the lady said, "So the Scouts are here. I'd like to stay and chat, but I, Sun, the new leader of the Negaverse, have some plans to continue. This should be all the energy I need. See you later. Ha, ha, ha, ha!" With that, Sun was gone and the Sailor Scouts were standing there, puzzled. They weren't far from Sendai Hill. They got Gea up and carried her to Raye's temple. ********************************************************************** When Gea awoke, she found Serena, Darien, and the others slumped around Raye's room, fast asleep. Only 2 cats were awake. She reached over to pet the black cat that had a crescent moon on her forehead. "Oh. You're such a pretty kitty!" Gea exclaimed. Gea just about fell out of Raye's bed when she heard the cat say, "Oh, good. You're awake. Gea, you are the second Star Elemental. You are Sailor Earth, the holder of the element of Earth." The others had started stirring when Luna had started talking. After everyone was wide awake, she continued. "Artemis and I have been remembering parts about the past when Eve was found and now when you were found." Now Luna adressed everyone. "Gea is the Earth Star Elemental, also known as Sailor Earth. Gea, these are the Sailor Scouts." She told Gea who each person was and all of the important things that have happened since Sailor Moon was first found. After Luna was finished dispensing this information, she turned to Darien. "Darien, during the Silver Millenium, you had a twin sister. Gea is your twin sister, the princess of Earth." Everyone was astonished. Gea thought to herself, "Wow! Everything makes sense now, like when I thought I knew Darien from somewhere. And now, I have found where I belong."